Now in session: NewsBreak Summer School | Contributor Network Blog
Contributor Network Blog

Now in session: NewsBreak Summer School

Summer is officially here and while most kids have put their books away, NewsBreak creators are invited to get back into the classroom for NewsBreak Summer School! From July 6 to September 28, creators are invited to a special virtual event series aimed to learn, grow, and connect.


The events range from intimate panels to collaborative meet and greets. The full lineup is as follows:

For complete details and to RSVP, head to the NewsBreak Summer School landing page. All attendees must be approved NewsBreak creators prior to attending.

About the Creator Program: Our Creator Program brings together professional journalists, experts, and high-quality content creators to deliver relevant, local, and original content. News Break creators cover everything from in-depth investigative features to timely events happening around town. Find out more and apply at